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What are the 5 Best Shopify B2B Apps for Your Wholesale Ecommerce Startup

Shopify B2B Apps Wholesale Ecommerce Startup

There are so many advancements and so many opportunities to achieve your goals. If you want to become a successful businessman then E-commerce has opened the biggest door for success. Now you can turn your life around after following a certain path. Drop shipping provides you the biggest edge, now you don’t have to buy the stock and all to open the business. You just need a good platform for the products and hustle-bustle of the customers so they can give you the order and you can fulfill them by contacting suppliers. In the Ecommerce Drop shipping Business, you should be wise enough to pick the incredible Shopify Ecommerce Platform and integrate it with the best Shopify B2B Apps for your wholesale eCommerce Startup. Shopify is by far the best management system for eCommerce Businesses and arranges the beneficial tools so you can boost your business in no time.

If you want to skip all the procedures to build the awesome Shopify platform then you can avail our services at the very best price. We will create a new awesome Shopify Store or rebuild your existing Shopify ECommerce Store so you can easily achieve your goals without putting so much effort. If you want to build the site yourself and you need our guidance then we are here to guide you on every step. Just leave a message to us and we will assist you throughout. We will be here telling you about the best B2B Apps to get for your wholesale eCommerce startup. You will get all the answers to common queries like can we operate on Shopify as B2B because we all know Shopify is generally a B2C platform. How can we turn Shopify B2B to B2c??? and many more related queries.

What is the difference Between B2B and B2C?

In business, there are two ways of doing business. B2C is the Business to Consumer-based entity, which allows you to sell the product directly to consumers. The benefit of this type of business is you can sell your products to the masses. Anyone can avail of your products. The downside of B2C business is that you hardly find any bulk orders in B2C. The progressing pace of the B2C is slow because you will get multiple orders but in small amounts.

Whereas B2B is the Business to the Business system where you can achieve massive orders for your Wholesale Ecommerce Startup. The progressing pace of the B2B is massive but this B2B system has also the demerit. You cannot sell your product to the masses, you have to target specific business platforms to sell your products, the businesses which have the potential to buy your products in bulk.

Can you create a Shopify B2B Website?

The answer to this question is plain ‘Yes’. Shopify is considered the B2C entertaining platform, but this is not the entire truth. Yes, there are millions of B2C outlets in Shopify but Shopify also provides you with every advantageous feature to run your Shopify business smoothly. Plus, there is a huge B2B space in Shopify and you can connect with them easily to boost your B2B sales.

How to make a Shopify Website B2B for Wholesale E-Commerce Startup?

There are many steps to make your full-fledged Shopify B2B Platform but don’t worry, all the steps are easy and you can do it yourself after learning. The first step is obvious: you have to set up an account in Shopify. After that, you have to add your products by just uploading files and photos from the platform. You can also gather the products from the various social media and many other Ecommerce platforms.

After setting up the store you need to pay attention to the design, accessibility, interaction system, and payment methods of your Shopify store. If you want to skip this task then just contact us. We will do all the leg work for you and provide you with an enticing and fully loaded Shopify Ecommerce Platform so your customers can do business with satisfaction.

Now you have a great Shopify Store and you can turn it into a B2B platform by integrating your store with some essential B2b Apps for your wholesale eCommerce startup. Those apps will provide you with the B2B features to turn your B2C Shopify store into a B2B Shopify Store. If you don’t want to indulge in the process then don’t worry we are here to free you from the hassle of getting into it and do all the work for you.

What are the benefits of Shopify for B2B?

We are not hesitating to say that Shopify is by far the best eCommerce Building platform with great and easy features. You will get all the features for optimization, you can integrate easily with many other apps, the security of the platform is awesome and it ensures that you will get all the paid and unpaid tools to make your Shopify Ecommerce Platform standout and fruitful. The order process of Shopify is smooth and provides the assurance you will get a high-quality platform with uninterrupted customer service.

For B2B, Shopify is the best choice for you because they provide imperative features like automated emails, warehousing, modern marketing techniques, wide payment methods, and a cart system. You imagine the feature and there is a huge chance you will find that feature in Shopify.

5 Best Shopify Shopify Apps You Should Get for Your Wholesale ECommerce Startup

1) B2B Verify Customers By Singleton Software

Privacy: B2b Verify Customers is the great Shopify App for your Wholesale E-commerce startup because it makes your B2C store a private B2B store and allows only the verified clients to make requests and see item prices.

Customers Approval: It will make you an administrator and you can approve or decline the enlisted clients who want to become a member. This beneficial feature allows you to manage genuine clients and make sure anyone does not budge into your verified client’s list.

Hidden Costs: This app will hide the price of the products from the not verified clients and guests. This intrigues the membership because nonverified customers will become verified to see the prices and give you the order.

2) B2B Discount Code by Nudgify

Generous Discounts: Discounts always lure customers. You can give away the discount code to your loyal customers by using this app. Pricing is an integral part of any business and this beneficial App will allow you to provide the discount code feature for the best pricing model.

Multiple Options: You can set an Automatic Discount Code for every new member to promote your store and also you can stage a standard discount code for the loyal customers to boost your Shopify B2B Website sales.

3) B2B Login Access Management By BSS Commerce

Limit The Access: If you want to limit the number of times a visitor can access the products of certain pages, collections, products, and URLs, then this is the great Shopify App for your Wholesale Business. This feature is for if you have a unique product or collection and you don’t want that someone sees it and copies your product then this app ensures only verified customers.

Stoppage of Signing Up: If an unauthorized person tries to sign up you can stop the person from signing up and also remove any person who looks suspicious.

Customer Tags: This app allows the customer tags so you can hide prices from the non-registered visitors and also this app will hide certain products from the non-targeted audience.

4) B2B Handsfree by A9 Design

Registration Form: You can create the registration form for your new wholesale customers so they can give you the satisfactory information to enter into your verified list.

Automatic Invites: This awesome app will send the account invites after registration and provide lucrative offers.

5) Gorilla Wholesale By Gorilla Wholesale

Manual and Automatic Tags: This awesome Shopify App for your wholesale startup is the most popular and most efficient app. It can create the tag automatically after new customer sign-ups. You can also create the tag manually if you don’t want to avail the automatic option.

Discounted products: This app ensures that your verified or registered members will get discounted products. It will also set the minimum, multiple, and maximum quality rules for the carts.

Boost the Order Placement: Gorilla Wholesale will boost the order placement by displaying a single-page order form, it also creates the custom wholesale shipping rules. If you are planning to run both B2B and B2C operations then it will hide specific products for retail customers.